
Tonight I remembered some things.

I remembered that I am here to live, love, and create. I am here to share. I am here to be present with each moment, or at least attempt to be. I am meant to take care of my body, mind and spirit. If I don't do it, nobody else will.

I was reminded tonight how important it really is to give yourself the gift of time. Relax. Take a breath. Enjoy the art of doing nothing once in awhile. Remember that everything is happening at the perfect pace, and in the perfect place. I am always where I am supposed to be. I really dont have to be anything, say anything, or do anything. I just AM. As long as I am replenishing my spirit, I dont have to keep both hands on the wheel. When I remember this, life has a way of steering itself in the right direction, and all I have to do is trust.

I remembered just how perfect the universe is. Money and jobs come and go. People come and go. Relationships come and go. The only real importance in any of it is to experience life to the fullest, and accept that it will always change. Keep learning and growing. Don't be afraid to move forward when it feels right. Be comfortable with the idea that nothing lasts, and that nothing outside of me will ever truly make me happy. I am responsible for my own happiness. Period. If I take that responsibility lightly, I will surely regret it.

I remembered how truly special nature is. There is so much energy, so much life force, right outside my door. I just need to take time to experience it. Look up at the blue sky, soak up the sun. Lay in the sand. Play in the ocean. Feel the wind as I ride my bike down the street. Watch a sunset. It is all there, every day. All I need to do is remember, and take time to enjoy it.  Be grateful for it all, every single day.

I just need to (always) remember to laugh more, play more, love more. Stop taking myself so seriously. Stop taking others so seriously. Listen more. Share from the heart. Truly connect.

I can always live in joy, as long as I remember what is important. It's just life. Relax. I just have to take a breath, and remember.


Rachael said…
Powerful words...amazing insight. I'm am subbing in a middle school in Pennsylvania today, and I am sharing this with the other teachers. They love it!!! Please keep going. Thank you..Thank you..Thank you!
maria certo said…
Very Beautiful Paul and honestly spoken from the heart!
A beautiful and pure message. From the heart.

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