Out to Past-ure

Dear Past:

You have probably been wondering why you haven't heard much from me lately.  It is not that I am ignoring you.  You know that I have given you more than enough attention through the years.  It's just that, well...you don't seem to have the allure that you once did. 

As I bring you forward with me, nothing seems to make much sense anymore.  When I use you as a template, Past, nothing seems to fit.  It's not that I don't contemplate you, or even charge into new situations with you at my side from time to time.  I have just begun to realize that I am not as happy when you are in control.

You see Past, you interfere with my recognition of what is really happening in this moment.  In the now.  I know you hate the word NOW, but I have started to see the joys that exist there.  The new ideas.  The new relationships.  The new understandings.  The love.  Ah, love.  The only place that can exist is NOW, in the present (another word you despise).  I know that I cannot enjoy all of this presence while you are with me so strongly. 

And yet, Past, you are very tough to shake!  I mean, you still find a way to join in daily conversations with people you know nothing about, and try to dampen experiences which are full of new promise.  It's not that you have to disappear as if our whole relationship never existed.  It's just that, well, you don't need to be such a big part of my decision making every day.  And so I need to be vigilant.  When I encounter something or someone brand new, I need to keep my mind and heart open without thinking of you.  You know, see what's really in front of me, not what is in your shadow.  When I see you butting your nose into new relationships and situations where you don't belong, I am going to recognize (RE-COGNIZE) you.  You may not like all of this, but it must be done.

One last thing, Past.  I know you will say you are a part of me forever.  On some level, this may be true.  The people who have touched my life while we were together have already come forward with me to this new moment in time.  But even then, the key is still NOW.  Relationships must reinvent themselves continually or they will die.  I have to let that happen naturally, which means respectfully letting you go whenever I need to.

So you see, it's not that I want to forget you, dear Past.  We just don't need to spend so much time together is all.

With Love and Honor,


maria certo said…

This is a pure example of your amazing creativity with writing!
I Loved it all!
The past teaches us who we are and once we learn our truth, we no longer need to live there.
Our soul is always is present time.
It is our mind that slips away into the past.
You are gifted beyond belief Paul!
I love you!
This is an absolutely wonderful approach to letting go of the past! Great job Paul!
Rachael said…
Ahhhh..thank you Paul. Beautiful. At a few spots I felt you were talking about the ego...the energy felt the same. It helps to hear someone sharing what we are all experiencing. To remember that we are not ALONE- that we are AL(L)ONE!!!
Anonymous said…
Paul, I couldn't help but smile the whole way through your conversation with your past. What a beautiful, creative way of addressing your past...expresses clarity a deeper understanding. The past, present & future do need to know their place:) Peace & thank you...
Anonymous said…
Two things that have helped me are:
1. The ABC Chakra Therapy Workbook
2. You Tube guided meditations with Deepak Chopra.

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