The Grass Is Always Greener

Congratulations, valued customer! 

Here is your unique, do-it-yourself LifeLawns yard kit.  We will walk you through all of the steps necessary to create the lush, vibrant lawn of your dreams.  Please pay close attention to the following instructions, and you will be well on your way to a lifetime of the greenest pastures you could ever hope for!

1)  Take the seeds and plant them.  Water them.  Feed them.  Let them germinate.  Be patient, as this may take some time.  You may have the desire to dig up the seeds, wondering if they are ever going to grow or not.  Please just leave them be.  They will grow, as long as you feed them and nurture them along.   This is all you need to do.  You don't need to see what is happening underground.  Just trust it. 

2)  The first signs of sprouting have happened!  The seeds took hold.  You will notice that  the ground is becoming more and more covered with the green grass you always hoped for.   Feel free to admire your new lawn as it grows taller and greener with each passing day.  At this point, remember that it is very important not to walk on the new grass.  These new sprouts are extremely tender.  Just keep watering them, feeding them, and do not block the sunlight.  

3)  Your lawn is fully grown!  Once the grass is ankle-high, it will be time to mow it for the first time.   Your grass may be stronger now, but it needs you still (perhaps more than ever).  In order for it to thrive, you will need to give it your strict attention daily.  Keep watering it whenever it gets dry.  Keep cutting it when it gets too long.  And be sure to take out the weeds whenever necessary.  Too many of these can cause the healthy grass to be destroyed.   Keep in mind that this is all part of an ongoing process.  Sure, your beautiful new lawn might be a bit more work at this point, but we know you are up to the challenge!  And the results will be worth it.  

4)  At this stage, it can be tempting to start looking around at other lawns, and comparing them with yours.  Please try to resist this.  Those lawns are really none of your business.  In fact, the more attention you lavish on them, the more likely it will be that your own lawn will suffer.  Your grass may even start to turn brown and wilt from neglect.  It can do so quickly, before you even have a chance to realize it.  Please don't lose sight of the grass under your own two feet.  Nobody else can care for it the way you can.  And remember that you cannot care for someone else's lawn any better than they can.  It is simply not possible.  Each lawn is unique, just like you are.  (One of our core beliefs here at LifeLawns).

5) You may even have hopped the fence just to see what other lawns look like.  The grass always seemed to be greener over there, didn't it?  And yet, here you are, back in your own space once again.  You will always come back to your own LifeLawn.  If you are finding your grass did not survive while you were away, then it is time to refocus your attention.  Get the sprinklers out.   Grab the hoe and start weeding.  The grass you originally planted is still there.  It just requires more of your attention, and more than a little bit of tender loving care.  You can do it!  Give it some time.  Notice how after a week or two, the brown grass is magically replaced by green again.  Soon your lawn will be back in top form.  Remember the LifeLawn lesson:  when you don't care for your own lawn, nobody else will. 

6)  In the future, you can more easily maintain your healthy green space simply by understanding that it is yours, and that only you can tend to it properly.  This is a cornerstone of the LifeLawn experience.  We give you the seeds, and you control the rest.  Once a healthy lawn is achieved, please feel free to play on it, and have guests over to enjoy it.  Proudly share it with others.  Throw a party in your own backyard even!  The grass will remain strong when it is maintained correctly.  It can never be trampled or destroyed unless you allow it to be.  You may have done the work to make it a healthy and inviting space, but please be forewarned:  you will have to be vigilant about your lawn's care for the rest of your life.   It only takes a short time for the brown grass to return again. If it does, please do not panic.  Simply refer back to step 5, and repeat. 

It is never too late to have the lawn you always wanted.  We guarantee our seeds will always respond to the proper care.  That is why we only distribute one kit per customer. 

As we here at LifeLawns like to say, the greenest pastures are always right under your feet.   They will never be anywhere else.  

And don't forget our slogan:  May the grass always be greener on your side. 

LifeLawns, Inc.


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