What Love Might Say...
I am hiding in plain sight.
I am no stranger. In fact, I am always right here. I'm not sure why you make it is so difficult to notice me. You see Paul, people like yourself want to discover me, to know more about me, and yet you make it seem like such an impossible mission. It's as if I am a needle in a haystack or something. You make it your life's goal, your only driving force, to find me when in fact, there is nothing to seek.
I am always here, Paul, and at so many times in your life you have seen me, known me, felt me, and understood me in all of my forms. Trust me. You have.
You call me LOVE. I know I am in high demand. The world is always searching for more of me. And so are you. It's ok to say it, Paul. No worries. You want what everyone else wants.
Nice to know you're not alone, isn't it?
I have good news for you. It is so simple to "find" me. Just take a look around you, at any time, on any day. All that you see, hear, feel, and touch is an opportunity to know me better. Every single moment is a chance to find out more about me.
I am not hiding under a rock. I am not invisible. I am right here.
Truth is, I love to wear masks and change up my appearance, just to maximize my effects. I come in many different forms. I guess this is why you think you must search high and low for me. But really, you don't. You just need to realize that to your eyes, it seems as if I change identities, sort of like Clark Kent into Superman. (I have him beat though, as I can do more than one).
I am present when you walk down the street and choose to smile and make eye contact with a stranger. And when you are flexible enough to change your plans in order to meet up with a friend, and end up sharing something full of meaning. Or taking the time to listen to someone else, to share, even with someone you don't know. That is the presence of yours truly, but you call it openness. Tomato, tomatoe.
You know those times when you are thinking of someone you care about, and take time out of your busy day to let them know? You are actually giving them a piece of your heart. And even those occasions where you throw some of your extra change in a tip jar at a restaurant counter, rather than stuffing it back into your pocket. Seems sort of material and mundane, right? No way. These are two examples of when I can be seen wearing one of my favorite identities, generosity. It's the stuff that abundance is made of, Paul.
Then there are the times when you decide to put yourself in someone else's shoes, and see what it is like to walk a mile in them. In these moments, I am there in what you often call compassion. For some reason, this is one of my most misunderstood alter-egos. Lighten up, Paul, and don't be afraid to try on anyone else's shoes. I made them all, and can assure you they will always fit. You might even learn a thing or two along the way.
I am there during every hug, every genuine smile, every time you choose not to judge someone or something. Every time you reach out and offer a helping hand, not because you need something out of it, but because it is the right thing to do. This is what you refer to as kindness. Yep, another of my fronts. People say you can "kill em" with it (but not literally, of course).
And how about when you realize that holding a grudge only really affects you? And when you release yourself of guilt and blame, and in turn do the same thing for another? That you call forgiveness. Yes, I know this can be one of my tougher disguises, but recognizing me in this form delivers plenty of bang for the buck, doesn't it?
All of these identities can be fun, but in the end, the one that people seem to really love is, well, me. LOVE. A great many people have written books, poems and even songs about me through the years. I especially like the songs, and you have heard most of them before. All You Need Is Love. Can't Buy Me Love (which by the way is very true, I can never be bought).
Hmm. Those Beatles really seemed to get me, didn't they?
Wonder how they did it. I can't say for sure, but perhaps they hit on how simple it really is. "Love is all you need..." Amen, boys. And if the world really knew this, and acted on it, there would be no need for anything else. Just as they (and you) suspected all along.
Whatever guise I take, Paul, I am powerful beyond all measure. Yet I will never hurt you, and neither will any of my other brilliant disguises. It's ok to be in love with me, in all my forms. Just let go and allow yourself to be in love with me. Don't be afraid to let me shake you to your core, transform your life, and turn your world upside down. It is what you want, what everyone wants, more than anything else. You all want a piece of me. The real me.
Remember to always look inside of yourself first. I want to let you in on a little secret, Paul. All of my identities, they are warehoused in your own heart. In everybody's, actually. Take a look. Do a little shopping. Try them all on for yourself, and see how they look on you. This is how you learn to recognize me in everything else. And like the shoes I mentioned earlier, they will all fit. I promise.
You don't have to search. I'm everywhere. Remember that.
Keep dropping your defenses. Tear down the walls, and see how I shine. Ahhh. Now I feel like singing.
Those Beatles were right. I really am all you need.
I am no stranger. In fact, I am always right here. I'm not sure why you make it is so difficult to notice me. You see Paul, people like yourself want to discover me, to know more about me, and yet you make it seem like such an impossible mission. It's as if I am a needle in a haystack or something. You make it your life's goal, your only driving force, to find me when in fact, there is nothing to seek.
I am always here, Paul, and at so many times in your life you have seen me, known me, felt me, and understood me in all of my forms. Trust me. You have.
You call me LOVE. I know I am in high demand. The world is always searching for more of me. And so are you. It's ok to say it, Paul. No worries. You want what everyone else wants.
Nice to know you're not alone, isn't it?
I have good news for you. It is so simple to "find" me. Just take a look around you, at any time, on any day. All that you see, hear, feel, and touch is an opportunity to know me better. Every single moment is a chance to find out more about me.
I am not hiding under a rock. I am not invisible. I am right here.
Truth is, I love to wear masks and change up my appearance, just to maximize my effects. I come in many different forms. I guess this is why you think you must search high and low for me. But really, you don't. You just need to realize that to your eyes, it seems as if I change identities, sort of like Clark Kent into Superman. (I have him beat though, as I can do more than one).
I am present when you walk down the street and choose to smile and make eye contact with a stranger. And when you are flexible enough to change your plans in order to meet up with a friend, and end up sharing something full of meaning. Or taking the time to listen to someone else, to share, even with someone you don't know. That is the presence of yours truly, but you call it openness. Tomato, tomatoe.
You know those times when you are thinking of someone you care about, and take time out of your busy day to let them know? You are actually giving them a piece of your heart. And even those occasions where you throw some of your extra change in a tip jar at a restaurant counter, rather than stuffing it back into your pocket. Seems sort of material and mundane, right? No way. These are two examples of when I can be seen wearing one of my favorite identities, generosity. It's the stuff that abundance is made of, Paul.
Then there are the times when you decide to put yourself in someone else's shoes, and see what it is like to walk a mile in them. In these moments, I am there in what you often call compassion. For some reason, this is one of my most misunderstood alter-egos. Lighten up, Paul, and don't be afraid to try on anyone else's shoes. I made them all, and can assure you they will always fit. You might even learn a thing or two along the way.
I am there during every hug, every genuine smile, every time you choose not to judge someone or something. Every time you reach out and offer a helping hand, not because you need something out of it, but because it is the right thing to do. This is what you refer to as kindness. Yep, another of my fronts. People say you can "kill em" with it (but not literally, of course).
And how about when you realize that holding a grudge only really affects you? And when you release yourself of guilt and blame, and in turn do the same thing for another? That you call forgiveness. Yes, I know this can be one of my tougher disguises, but recognizing me in this form delivers plenty of bang for the buck, doesn't it?
All of these identities can be fun, but in the end, the one that people seem to really love is, well, me. LOVE. A great many people have written books, poems and even songs about me through the years. I especially like the songs, and you have heard most of them before. All You Need Is Love. Can't Buy Me Love (which by the way is very true, I can never be bought).
Hmm. Those Beatles really seemed to get me, didn't they?
Wonder how they did it. I can't say for sure, but perhaps they hit on how simple it really is. "Love is all you need..." Amen, boys. And if the world really knew this, and acted on it, there would be no need for anything else. Just as they (and you) suspected all along.
Whatever guise I take, Paul, I am powerful beyond all measure. Yet I will never hurt you, and neither will any of my other brilliant disguises. It's ok to be in love with me, in all my forms. Just let go and allow yourself to be in love with me. Don't be afraid to let me shake you to your core, transform your life, and turn your world upside down. It is what you want, what everyone wants, more than anything else. You all want a piece of me. The real me.
Remember to always look inside of yourself first. I want to let you in on a little secret, Paul. All of my identities, they are warehoused in your own heart. In everybody's, actually. Take a look. Do a little shopping. Try them all on for yourself, and see how they look on you. This is how you learn to recognize me in everything else. And like the shoes I mentioned earlier, they will all fit. I promise.
You don't have to search. I'm everywhere. Remember that.
Keep dropping your defenses. Tear down the walls, and see how I shine. Ahhh. Now I feel like singing.
Those Beatles were right. I really am all you need.
Anyway, thanks for posting your thoughts and experiences, it is so interesting to hear about the path your life has taken!
(It was good to see you at the reunion as well!)
Becky :)