Choosing My Own Adventure
With my 20th high school reunion fast approaching, I have been reminiscing quite a bit lately. About people, places, things, smells, foods, you name it. Today's golden memory involved my favorite books growing up--Choose Your Own Adventure books. Remember those? Neither did I, until today. They were the books where you would read a page, then follow the directions on the bottom of that page to your next step in the story. Your choices would look something like this: If you decide to go to your high school reunion, turn to page 3. If you decide not to go, and stay in Hawaii, turn to page 4. If you decide to save your money and go back to Bali instead, turn to page 5. I loved reading these books as a kid. Even when I would make choices that led me to an untimely demise, I still got a kick out of them all. Besides, I could always start over and just choose again. It was lik...