Unhappy Endings
It was 4:50am. The alarm on my cell phone went off as normal, but on this morning it sounded more like an air raid drill. It took me a minute or two to even realize that this hideous noise was erupting from the side of my bed. I flailed around, finally locating the perpetrator, and stopped the insanity with a press of a button. Whew. Silence. I sat there, shaking. Where am I? Hey, wait a minute--why did I set my alarm so early in Bali? Through the pre-dawn fog, I rubbed my eyes and surveyed my room. Oh no. I wasn't in Bali anymore. That alarm was for.... gulp ....work. Oh no. Vacation was over. I ended up at work by 6am. During the day, I answered a litany of questions posed by the regular customers of our store regarding my long absence. How was your trip? How was Bali? How was the food? How WAS IT???? Maybe it...