
Showing posts from 2020

That Lockdown Life

Some ruminations about the goings-on of this past period of life in lockdown... I kicked off the Great Quarantine of 2020 absolutely hypnotized by the unfolding stats.  I watched the coronavirus case and death meter go up, up, up.  That scared the shit out of me.  I began looking at all sources of information regardless of political affiliation.  I became kind of a COVID Pac-Man, gobbling up online articles like they were power pellets, clearing board after board with my extensive "research".   I was getting drunk on that power.   Unlike my video game alter ego, however, I felt significantly more power-less the more information I devoured.  Paralysis by analysis, if you will. I started a new daily routine.  Fresh off losing my job, I stopped setting my alarm every morning and instead let my body tell me when to wake up.  That felt amazing.  It was a wonderful development, a shift for the better. I have slowly watched ...

Target Runs and "The New Norm"

What the hell are we doing? Yesterday was a very strange day.  Not only did I not know what day of the week it was for most of the proceedings, but I also decided it was finally time to venture back into the retail jungle known as Target to retrieve some depleted necessities.  It being my first time in any shopping situation for quite awhile, I maybe underestimated the pomp and circumstance that now goes along with a quick run to the store in this dreadful new era of COVID-related lockdowns.  I prepped myself as best I could before ever stepping outside my front door.  Mask?  Check.  Gloves?  Check.  Fear and Trepidation?  Check and Check.  I wasn't sure exactly what I was afraid of, but I most definitely knew I felt much resistance to the whole excursion.  I thought about my last trip to the Target.  It took place several days ago, possibly two weeks, for sure not more than three.  Or it could have been the day before la...